Blog Competition 2019 #2019GANTIBIMBEL

The temporary score in the basketball match held between the X team and Y team is 79 - 64. A few minutes later, the X team adds 12 points while the Y team is unable to gain additional points. to defeat Team X with a 2 point advantage, then Team Y must collect ... points.

The temporary score in the basketball match held between the X team and Y team is 79 - 64. A few minutes later, the X team adds 12 points while the Y team is unable to gain additional points. to defeat Team X with a 2 point advantage, then Team Y must collect ... points.


    X = 79: Y = 64
    x = 79 + 12: Y = 64
    x = 91: Y = 64

    in order to win 2 points then Y requires: 91 + 2 - 64 = 92 - 64 = 29 Points